Sunday 24 March 2013

Self Improvement And A New Series...

"Self-improvement is masturbation," Tyler Durden, Fight Club. Thankfully, this opinion doesn't really resonate with me, because I believe that self improvement makes people better versions of themselves.

Since I'm 21 now, which means I'm older, and therefore apparently wiser, I've decided I need to dress a bit better, and put a bit more effort into myself. Not just for me, but I have a boyfriend of 2 years who I think deserves to not have his girlfriend live in baggy tracksuit bottoms and oversize jumpers (even if they are warm and fuzzy...and stolen from his wardrobe half the time!!) because, lets face it, when you do that, it gets boring. And I don't want to bore my lovely man!

So, I've made three decisions and I'm going to stick to them.

Dress better. For years, I've been the friend in the hoody at the end of the picture, when all my friends are looking beautiful and even slightly glamorous. So that's going to change! I'm going to make an effort to actually wear the clothes that are languishing in my wardrobe.

Lose the whole "eternally pale, glow in the dark, oh I was an emo kid once-upon-a-time" vibe. So I am starting to use the Garnier Summer Body Moisturising Hint-of-Tan Lotion. So far, I'm enjoying it, the whole process is methodical and relaxing, which I'm really happy with. I'm going to keep this blog updated with my mission to dim my glowy pale skin and make myself look a bit less like deaths ginger sister!

This one is already a completed resolution, but off the back of it I have decided to make a series of "Nail of The Week" posts to keep me incentivised. I recently stopped biting my nails, as you know from my Gel Nails and Mani-Q posts. But now that I'm on the real nail, I'm going to keep myself on track with this new series!

Have you made any decisions lately?
Let me know, down in the comments!

Le Grá,

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