Thursday, 27 June 2013

June BBC Day 27: Biggest Fashion Mistake You Have Made

Emo phase, anyone?!

I saved this off my old Tagged account before I deleted it!
I remember seeing pictures of Emo and Scene girls back in the day, and I thought that they were the coolest people who ever walked! I wanted to be one of them! Of course, when you want to fit in, you don't!

I remember wearing black EVERYTHING!!! Jeans, tops, hoodies, even my hair was black, and my glasses frames! I thought I was the dogs you-know-whats... but in reality, I was just a (pardon my language) fucking oddball!

I mean, just look at the pose on me in that picture!!! I'm glad I escaped that phase with even just a shred of dignity!!

I only showed up to this shoot to say hi! I ended up
holding the DSLR!!
Then there's the Canterbury-Hoody-combo!

This is what I wear on the days when I'm just not bothered with looking good! This is the only documented case where I have been out and among people I know while badly dressed in this combo!

I love Canterbury rugby bottoms though so ain't nobody gon' diss my mad taste in bottoms!! Ya diiiig?

Finally... I give you... GOD AWFUL GINGER ROOTS!!!

I think they speak for themselves!

I miss shooting... :(