Saturday, 11 January 2014

1 Year Blog-iversary Giveaway

To celebrate my blog turning 1 year old on the 2nd of Feb, I'm going to give away 3 of my "Red Lip Essentials"; A Lush Lip Scrub, tube of my beloved Carmex and a tube of red lipstick, which I'm leaving as a surprise. Enter below using Rafflecopter, and I will announce the winner on Sunday February 2nd! That gives you 3 weeks to enter. 

I love you guys, time to show the appreciation.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

10 Day Challenge Day 4: 7 Wants

#10 secrets // #09 loves // #08 fears // #07 wants // #06 places // #05 foods // #04 books // #03 films // #02 songs // #01 picture of yourself.

7 Wants... This will be fun!

7. Kenya Blend. Lyons need to re-release this tea, quick sharp!! 

6. The TFiOS Movie. Can it just be out already?! The same goes for Divergent...

5. To Pass Semester 1. Ho hum, only time will tell! *fingers crossed*

4. Work Placement. I'm dying to get started. 1 day a week cooking for actual paying customers. Well, I don't get paid but its okay!

3. My Conch to Heal. I want to put a seamless hoop in it, or an arrow barbell. 

2. A Cuddle from Chris. It's been a long week. But I'll be seeing him later today!

1. I want you to be happy, whoever you are. I want you to feel ease and joy and to love yourself. 

Those are my 7 Wants. 
What do you think of them?

Tomorrow, 6 Places

Amy xx