Thursday 7 February 2013

Vlogbrothers In Dublin!

Lets start by just assuming you don't know who John and Hank Green are...

The "Vlogbrothers" are a YouTube duo that began their channel in 2007, with the plan that they would communicate every day for a year via video-blog! Cool idea, right? Well it gets better! With this idea, that they entitled "Brotherhood:2.0", though they were publicly available videos, they really only started to actively gain notoriety about 6 months into the project, thanks to Hanks AMAZING song, "Accio Deathly Hallows", a song about the upcoming Harry Potter book (at the time). Thankfully when B:2.0 ended in the December of '07, they continued to make videos and have gained a huge global fan-base  and in the last 5 years, 6 if you count the B:2.0 year, they have founded and created more awesome things than most people do in a lifetime!

John is a very successful writer with his most publicized work at the moment being The Fault in our Stars, or its diminutive, TFioS. He has won some awards for his work, such as the Printz Award and the Edgar Award. Aside from TFioS, he has written "Looking for Alaska", "An Abundance of Katherines", "Paper Towns", and he collaborated with David Levithan for "Will Grayson, Will Grayson". And yes, I'm naming these out because you should read them! But finish reading this first!! :D

Hank has a few more achievements under his proverbial belt, as it were. Founder of Eco Geek, and the creator of 2D glasses, Hank is also a very successful musician with such gems as "What Would Captain Picard Do?" and "Strange Charm". Most of his music reaches out to the Nerdfighter community and as he has said himself, his music is kind of Nerdfighter specific.

Between the pair of them, they have founded "Sci-Show", "Crash Course" and of course, VidCon, with many other side projects that I'm too lazy to remember!!

"So Amy," I hear you say, "What IS a Nerdfighter?!" Well I cant really answer that as well as the brothers themselves can, so I'll just... well I'll just let them field that one!!

Anyways! So now that the basics are covered, lets move on to last night.

Last night, the 6th of February, John and Hank brought Johns book tour for The Fault in our Stars to Ireland. 1500 Nerdfighters turned out to the RDS to listen to John read an excerpt from the book, listen to Hank play some fantastically and unashamedly nerd-tastic music, including my favorites, "Strange Charm", and "Accio Deathly Hallows".There was some very random moments, like Hank putting on a horse mask that someone in the crowd had... Then they fielded questions, which ranged from the very deep, insightful questions about TFioS, to the silly "Have you had the obligatory Guinness?", and generally they made the whole room very happy and I know I speak from experience here, very lucky to be part of something so wonderful as Nerdfighteria. John won a challenge and as punishment, Hank got a slap in the face, after which  he told the room, "Don't close your eyes when your brother is slapping you in the face, it may not come from the side your expecting!!". Wise words, Hank, very wise indeed.

After all the festivities there was the opportunity to get stuff signed! I'd comfortably guess that 1200 people hung around for that! I had made John and Hank some macramé bracelets in the Irish tricolor and I gave them their little gifts as a memento of the country and the gratitude I personally felt at being able to tell these two wonderful men how much their creations mean to me, and how genuinely thankful I was to have this opportunity to do so. John was very stressed out and understandably so, when there's 12-1500 people all clamoring to get their 30 seconds of face-time its easy to work out that it couldn't be something you take lightly. But Hank was great and he wanted it tied on and was very grateful for the gesture, I think. He even Hanklerfished my WG,WG for me!! 

All in all, the TFioS book tour was amazing, and I am so grateful I got to go.

This is "My Happy Place" and I am glad I have this blog, this post and pictures to make me smile in the future.


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