Monday 26 January 2015

Review Tea Tree & Peppermint Intensive Treatment Hand Pack

I'm no stranger to a good mani. After years of archery callouses making my hands look gnarled and ugly, I've come to treasure the gift of supple, well cared for hands. I'm a bit of a hand cream addict, really! Soap And Glory is my brand of choice, but when I spotted this intense treatment in my local chemist, I knew it needed to be mine!! So I snapped it up and counted down the hours until I could slip the gloves on and enjoy a 20 minute relaxation break. 

These particular gloves have a host of active ingredients which aid in the treatment of even the driest, most Sahara-tastic hands. In this pack your gloves contain; 

  • Tea Tree,
  • Peppermint,
  • Rose Flower, 
  • Shea Butter
  • Collagen, and 
  • Vitamin E
These ingredients go to work immediately, penetrating the skin of your hands for deep lasting moisture. I've found with these gloves that they can be even better and more rapidly effective, if you can wrap your hands in a warm towel after you've slipped the gloves on. Then when the towel has cooled down, massage your hands through the gloves and allow them to cool in their own time. 

When you're done, remove the gloves and rub the remaining product on your hands in. This particular treatment leaves your hands cool and refreshed - great for us in the office, typing all day, week in, week out. Follow with an at home manicure, and you're going to feel like a new woman! (Or man, I suppose!!)

This particular treatment was 1.99 and it does the job really well, my hands feel refreshed and rejuvenated and smelling like peppermint. A must for a weekly pamper night!! 

Have you tried this? 
What are your thoughts?


  1. This sound really nice... must try x

  2. I've seen this, and have thought about trying it, I am definitely picking one up now
    Thanks for the review
    Hayley x

  3. I have never tried a mask like this for my hands; but it looks a great idea. Will need to give it a go x
    Laura | A Life With Frills

  4. Wow, this definitely sounds like a phenomenal product especially in these cold winter months when the weather is so harsh on the hands. Thanks so much for the recommendation!


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