Wednesday 10 July 2013

A Fun Little Project

A few weeks back, I asked in a Facebook group would anyone like to be a part of a make-up swap, because I was DYING to get my hands on the Covergirl Outlast Stay Fabulous foundation, and the first person to reply was the lovely Kayleigh, from Florida, in the US! I was delighted, this silly idea of mine was going to come to fruition, how cool!!

 So, after a few back and forth messages on Facebook, we figured out what the other liked, and set about shopping for each others tastes! I got Kayliegh some Natural Collection stuff, Essence, Catrice and I think even some Barry M and a few random bits I cant remember now.

I parceled them up, wrapped stuff in bubble-wrap, and sent it off last Tuesday. Today, and yesterday (?) the swaps arrived in each others possession, and then came the fun bit, seeing what was inside. That's where I'm going to leave this blog, and let me abysmal video skills take over!

I had so much fun doing this, and I am so happy with all my surprises! Kayleigh is uploading her unboxing later today, and when its up, I'll link it here too! I will of course, post a haul if anyone wants to see the products in more detail, so just let me know!



  1. These kinds of videos or posts are like my crack, I'm so unbelievably nosey and I love international swaps SO MUCH!

    1. Mine too. I LOVE seeing what you can get in other places :D

  2. Love seeing swap hauls like this so yep please review!

    1. Will do! I love these kinds of thing as well... My nosiness just comes out in force!

  3. You are ridiculously cute in that video... miss your face missus

    1. I was SO awkward hahaha!! When the package arrived I knew I would have to make myself look respectable, and I felt so silly putting on my face to talk to a camera!


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