Thursday, 30 July 2015

Things They Don't Tell You About... Break Ups

It's a scary prospect, being single.... I haven't been single for longer than two weeks up until two months ago, so I know exactly how hard it can be. In today's edition of TTDTYA, I'm going to make you feel a bit better about where you're at. Okay? 'Kay, here we go!

1. It's Not Always Going To Hurt

Breakups are shit. Lets all be honest here. They hurt for both parties and they cause ripples that reach far and wide. However, while right now you might be feeling a bit like you got hit in the soul by a freight train, I promise you, time really does heal all wounds. You're going to come through the other end.

2. Junk Food and Movies Help Immensely. 

I've lost count of the number of weekends I have spent with my friends drinking cocktails or wine, eating icecream and watching bad Sci-Fi movies or re-runs of old sitcoms. Time spent focusing on the things you love with the people you love, ignoring the calorie content of everything and indulging in anything you want will take the edge off. Just don't develop unhealthy habits, ya hear?!

3. Clearing Them From Your Everyday Life is Necessary. 

My Ex was one of the greatest people I've ever had the pleasure of journeying through even just a snippet of my life with. I had pictures of us from multiple things, framed and tacked up onto walls and as backrounds on devices. Changing the wallpapers, taking down the pictures, boxing up the stolen hoodies, it all sucked, but it's needed. You can't start fresh with old stuff clogging up your life and soul. I don't want you to forget that person or what they taught you, but you should try to clean the slate. It's over, don't linger on the past.

4. It's Okay to Miss Them. 

I've never broken up with someone and never thought of them again - nobody does that! It's natural and okay to miss them. You will notice that in time you miss them less, you don't wonder how they are or did they ever get that eye test. But if they do cross your mind, it is okay to miss them a bit. They were a big part of your life, you can't erase that.

5. You're Allowed to Fall To Bits, Rebel, Whatever You Want!! 

You've been with "Mr Right" for 7 years, and now that it's over you feel the need to indulge yourself in ways you felt you couldn't before. Go and do what you feel motivated to do. For me it was getting a piercing, taking on more hours in work, sometimes crying while listening to records in the dark, but at the end of the day it all went into the healing process. If you want to get a wild hair cut, tattoo, go on an adventure to Peru for a week, cry into your childhood bear or go out partying every weekend, that's your prerogative.

6. Finding A Hobby To Occupy
 Your Mind Helps 

Taken from Reddit /r/vinyl, Credit to owner

I've been getting into Vinyl a lot lately, and when I'm feeling a bit crap I go onto the internet and look up albums I want, or I go onto Reddit and read things that make me laugh. I took up learning French recently, so that's really occupying my head as learning a language is a pretty decent commitment. I've gotten back into reading too! More time to do things, means more time to be productive!  Vinyl takes up a physical space in my life, Reddit helps time pass when I'm sad, learning French is a way to focus and reading is a way to unwind!

Breakups are hard, but they happen. You will be okay, you will learn from this and grow. It might seem bleak and scary, but that's good, you have endless chances to make yourself happy.

You're brilliant, and you're going to get through this, I promise you.
You're a free agent now, do you, Hunty!!!


Monday, 27 July 2015

Red Review - Last Of Our Kind

I've been getting majorly into vinyl in the last three months, and I've collected a few records, both recent releases and vintage.

One of my first purchases was The Darkness new record, Last Of Our Kind. Today I'm gonna run you through what I thought of it. Bear in mind I am incredibly biased, they're one of my favorite bands!

Firstly, can we take a moment to appreciate the cover art? It's a baby driving a spaceship!!! I just think that's so quirky and cool, though I don't expect anything less than quirky from the band whose first record had a naked air traffic controller on it!! I love it, their whole aesthetic is tongue in cheek, has an air of humor. The Darkness are a band that know how to have fun! Trust me, I've been to a show, they are insane in the best way!

The content of this record is the Viking invasion of East Anglia, referencing Ragnar, archery, Edmund The Martyr, and so on. Probably not for everyone, but I love that kind of thing. The first single to be released from this is the first track, Barbarian, and it's basically a musical history lesson gussied up a bit, and put to epic riffs. I reckon this would be a great song to blare and belt in the car with all the windows down!

The whole album is just perfect. I know there has been much criticism about Hot Cakes, their last release, but I thought that was a great album... Up there with Permission to Land, for sure! This though, it's completely and utterly brilliant. I find myself flipping the record over and over, listening to it twice or three times through, every time it's on my player. Of the 4 albums The Darkness has released, I would rank this as my favorite so far.

My favorite track on this record is the title track, Last Of Our Kind. Maybe I have an affinity for the archery imagery, maybe it's the insanely catchy opening and beltable chorus - who knows?! I'm toying with getting a line from this song tattooed, actually. It's that good!

Honestly, I've nothing bad to say about this album, nothing at all. It's incredible. The vinyl itself is green, the slip case is decorated with the lyrics and doodles and the cover is incredibly fun. The record itself harks back to the older, more flamboyant early days - all in all, a truly brilliant offering, and possibly my favorite record in my collection so far!

I'm giving this record 5 stars *****

Have you any recommendations? 
If you have, let me know! 
If you want me to do a record collection, just shout!

Keep your eye out for my next review!

Loooooooove you! 


Saturday, 25 July 2015

Where Have I Been??? Life Update

Hi All!!

I'm sorry it has been so long since I actively posted. It's been a rough time, but things are finally settling.

I'm not going to get into the finer details of things, but I feel I owe you an answer, since I've been racking up views, getting emails from brands, and ignoring everyone and everything for almost two months... TWO months. I am such a bad blogger.

At the beginning of last month my relationship of four years came to a close. I made a mistake, I admit it was my fault, and I took the consequences. I can't really say much more than that. A choice was put to me, which I could not make, and so it was made for me. That's just the fact, I'm not scapegoating anyone or pushing the blame away, I take every modicum of responsibility. It was hard, but I've come through it. My friends have been amazing, and my best friend, well he has been my rock. I doubt he reads this but if he does - Thank you Dex, 10/10 would recommend!

Everything slipped, my mental health, my diet and fitness, skincare, the whole lot. I was putting in basic effort, and that was it. Anyways, it's been two months and I'm okay. I've been working and spending a lot of time with people I love. Things like going to the seafront, watching the ferries, buying vintage vinyl, eating burritos and eggs benny, drinking great cocktails and reading have helped me immeasurably, not to mention all the hours I've wasted on Reddit!!

As for blogging, and social media of any kind, I was avoiding it at all costs during the last few weeks. My head was messed up, the last thing I needed was to feel the need to update you all on how crap I was feeling. When I was feeling up to it, I posted here and there.

Anyways, everything is back on a level, and I'm pretty much geared up for a return, I hope you are all ready!!

I love you all, 

Sorry I've been MIA, 
