Wednesday 19 June 2013

June BBC Day 21: Favourite Nail Look/Nail Art

Ever since I stopped biting my nails, I have been a nail art addict. I have been known to do a manicure 5 times a week, but when I love a nail polish I will wear it to death, too! Lucky for me, today I get to yammer on about my favorites overall today!! :D

When I was still a newbie to nails, I was all about building a good polish collection! My NYC Mint Green colour remains one of my favorites to this day! So pretty!!

 Let me explain the picture above! I'm an archer and the handle of my bow is orange glitter and white tribal detailing. Its a thing of beauty!! I had been out with an injury (and some mental blocks) for a few months and when I was making my comeback, as it were, I decided to do it in style!! It looked lovely, but that Rimmel Shirley Temple polish was a bastard to get off!

Nail Foils are a big thing right now! I picked up some Models Own in a Boots clearance bin for less than €3 and decided to rock them. They reminded me of Gatsby...How sad am I?? The packet contains loads of sizes, and that's probably so you can make your fingers and toes all matchy-matchy, but I prefer to keep the spares and then re-use them later!

Yesterday I decided to ditch the foil/polish combo and go for a bright colour an glitter! I have to admit, it took me more than one attempt to get these looking so good! The polish gods tested me to breaking point!! The combo is Essence That's What I Mint and Cool Breeze special effects topper! 

What are your favourites of my choices? Do you have any combos that you wish you had discovered sooner? What do you thing of my Essence combo?


1 comment:

  1. First off, I love Rimmel Shirley Temple!! Only used it for nail art details but it looks so pretty as a full polish, and what a great reason to wear it!! Nail art powah!

    That's exactly what those foils are like, totally Gatsby!!


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